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Sound Bath - Chakra Alignment with Pele

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Complete Chakra Column Clearing, Alignment & Activation with Pele

  • Ended
  • 25 US dollars
  • One Heart Yoga

Available spots

Service Description

Angelic Healing Sound Bath - Complete Chakra Column Clearing, Alignment & Activation with Pele Pele, the dynamic Hawaiian fire goddess, will be guiding us in this month’s sound bath. She will be bringing us a complete energetic alignment. Pele will gather a fiery golden orange light from deep within the earth and send it up into our root chakra. She will continue moving this light up through the chakra column, clearing and healing where needed. She will then focus on bringing balance to the front and back of each chakra for increased energetic flow. She would like to help us open our awareness to more facets of the chakras by focusing on the “back side” of the main chakras running up the back - the sacral, the solar plexus, and the heart. She will then work on the back of the throat and the alta major chakra, as well. You will feel and receive this energy where your body needs it most, so it will be a little different for each of us. This process will happen slowly for some and quickly for others. You may feel the effects right away, or a few days or weeks afterwards. Participating in this sound bath will also automatically attune us to the energetic vibration of Pele. This will allow us to call on her directly for guidance and assistance as needed. This sound bath will include: 🔷 Full clearing and balancing of entire chakra column 🔷 Aligning the major chakras to each other to allow for an increased flow of higher energies through the bodies and fields 🔷 Deep grounding into the core of Mother Earth 🔷 Attunement to the energetic vibration of Pele This Sound Bath will include 7 Crystal Singing Bowls aligned to the 7 chakras and Vocal Light Language of Pele and the angels. ✨This is a live, in person event. A recording will be available after the event and will be just as powerful as attending live✨

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