As we move forward during these times, you may be seeing two different paths emerging as to where the future is leading us. Some are seeing a bright golden future full of love and others are seeing devastation and destruction of all we hold dear. Archangels Uriel and Sandalphon are joining us this month to help us focus on the higher path. They remind us that we can CHOOSE the path we want! The way that we choose our path is through the energies we align with everyday. Take a moment to turn inward and observe… what is it that you are aligning to?? …and what would you CHOOSE to align to?? During this sound bath, Archangel Uriel and Archangel Sandalphon guide us to ground our energies into the higher frequency earth and the timelines of love, hope and joy. This helps us to stay anchored within the higher vibrations, despite what may be going on around us. As we jointly continue to hold love, hope and joy within us, we effortlessly create and attract these energies around us! Archangel Uriel is the Light of God. He helps us to see our highest path forward and to find solutions to problems. Uriel assists us with finding harmony, balance and peace. Archangel Sandalphon, the Tall Angel, carries our prayers to heaven and is also known as the Angel of Music. He holds the Earth Star Chakra and assists us with grounding into the energy of the Earth. Together, Uriel and Sandalphon are a powerful combination to help us anchor into our highest path forward, our highest timeline, which is also the highest path forward for ALL! Sound Bath includes the healing energies and sounds of Crystal Singing Bowls & Vocal Light Language of Archangel Uriel and Archangel Sandalphon.